Presented by Mass Nordic Program & Eastern Mass Cross Country


Online Registration Deadline: Wednesday, Jan 22, 2025 at 10:00 PM ET

Select Your Category

Category Start Time Distance Fee
U16/EHS Qualifer - Boys $75 1:00 PM 15 minutes $75
  • Boys U16/EHS Massachusetts State Team Qualifier.
    Classic Race 1:00PM
    Skate Race TBD based on previous races.
    Race distance be based off an estimated time of 15 minutes.
U14 Boys Classic $40 1:00 PM 15 minutes $40
  • U14 Boys will go after the last U16/EHS boy's skier goes off in the classic wave.
U16/EHS Qualifier - Girls $75 1:45 PM 15 minutes $75
  • Girls U16/EHS Massachusetts State Team Qualifier.
    Classic Race 1:45pm
    Skate Race TBD based on previous race finish times.
    Race distance be based off an estimated time of 15 minutes.
U14 Girls Classic $40 1:45 PM 15 minutes $40
  • U14 Girls will go after the last U16/EHS girl's skier goes off in the classic wave.
U14 Boys Skate $35 3:00 PM 15 minutes $35
  • U14 Boys will go after the last U16/EHS boy's skier goes off in the skate wave.
U14 Girls Skate $35 3:45 PM 15 minutes $35
  • U14 Girls will go after the last U16/EHS girl's skier goes off in the skate wave.

Purchase Event Items

Add event items for purchase to your registration. You can also purchase items without registering.


Old Mass Nordic Uniforms - $50

These are last iteration of the Mass Nordic Uniforms, they come as a set with a top and bottom


Old Mass Nordic Jackets - $50

These are the old design on the Mass Nordic jackets from previous years. If you never [+more]
