Presented by Granite Backcountry Alliance


Online Registration Deadline: Friday, Jan 24, 2025 at 5:00 PM ET

Select Your Category

Event Categories
Only 2 spots remaining!
Combined Field Limit: 325
Category Start Time Distance Prizes Field Limit Fee
closed Race Entry - Non-Member $90 12:00 PM 7.6 miles $90
  • I want to compete in the skimo! Also includes entry into apres ski event.
Race Entry - Non-Member Waitlist $0 12:00 PM 7.6 miles $0
  • I want to compete in the skimo! Also includes entry into apres ski event.
closed Race Entry - GBA Member $75 12:00 PM 7.6 miles $75
  • I want to compete in the skimo race! Also includes entry into apres ski event.
Race Entry - GBA Member Waitlist $0 12:00 PM 7.6 miles $0
  • I want to compete in the skimo race! Also includes entry into apres ski event.
closed Race Entry + Membership (Family) $125 12:00 PM 7.6 miles $125
  • I want to compete in the skimo race! Also includes entry into apres ski event and purchase of a 1 year family membership to GBA.
closed Race Entry + Membership (Individual) $110 12:00 PM 7.6 miles $110
  • I want to compete in the skimo race! Also includes entry into apres ski event and purchase of a 1 year single membership to GBA.
closed Skin and Ski Entry - Non-Member $90
This category requires a password to enter.
12:00 PM $90
  • I want to hang out, skin as far up the auto road as I choose and ski back down!
Skin and Ski Entry - Non-Member Waitlist $0 12:00 PM $0
  • I want to hang out, skin as far up the auto road as I choose and ski back down!
Skin and Ski Entry - GBA Member $75
This category requires a password to enter.
12:00 PM $75
  • I want to hang out, skin as far up the auto road as I choose and ski back down!
closed Skin and Ski Entry - GBA Member Waitlist $0 12:00 PM $0
  • I want to hang out, skin as far up the auto road as I choose and ski back down!
closed Skin and Ski Entry + Membership (Family) $125 12:00 PM $125
  • I want to hang out, skin as far up the auto road as I choose and ski back down! Includes a 1-year family membership to GBA.
closed Skin and Ski Entry + Membership (Individual) $110 12:00 PM $110
  • I want to hang out, skin as far up the auto road as I choose and ski back down! Includes a 1-year single membership to GBA.
Category Start Time Distance Prizes Field Limit Fee
Volunteer $0 11:00 AM Apres food, beer, and other good stuff 15 $0
  • Help out the with the event
Only 3 spots available!

Purchase Event Items

Add event items for purchase to your registration. You can also purchase items without registering.


FlyLow GBA Dawn Patrol Trucker - $25

While you are registering for the event, snag one of our new truckers! They are great [+more]
